
Bussiness is driven by effective communication.


Translator guru assists our customers with language interpretation. Interpretation of language refers to the process of translating a spoken message into another spoken language while preserving the tone and meaning of the original content. Consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation are the two most common types of interpretation.

The quality interpretation services that Translator guru provides are adapted to a range of requirements. Our interpreters are chosen in accordance with stringent criteria, which include proficiency in the source and target languages as well as familiarity with the subtle culture and linguistic difference of both sides. In order to help you and your business grow and expand, this process ensures that communication will be simple in a variety of settings. We provide the following modalities for our interpretation services:

Interpretation services On-Site –

The quality interpretation services that Translator guru provides are adapted to a range of requirements. Our interpreters are chosen in accordance with stringent criteria, which include proficiency in the source and target languages as well as familiarity with the subtle culture and linguistic difference of both sides. In order to help you and your business grow and expand, this process ensures that communication will be simple in a variety of settings. We provide the following modalities for our interpretation services:

Interpretation services for conferences-

People from all over the world who may not speak or understand the presenters’ language frequently attend business conference. Our skilled conference interpreters listen to the speaker in the source language, process the information, and simultaneously translate the message into the target language while they speak. We provide our interpreters with high-end tools and equipment to help them with the project, such as specialised sound equipment, a soundproof booth, an interpreter control console, a transmitter, and receivers with earphones. Our interpreters listen to and clearly understand the speaker while speaking into microphones while seated in soundproof booths. Wireless interpretation can be received by listeners with specialised receivers and earphones that are fluent in the target language.

Interpretation services over the phone-

Translator guru is just a phone call away if you require someone who can understand your language instantly! Telephonic interpretation is particularly helpful when an interpreter is required for a brief period of time, such as for, legal, technical, a medical appointment, business meeting, or to communicate over the phone while staying anywhere in the globe. It’s incredibly simple and easy. You’ll be able to speak in your native tongue with the assistance of Translator guru’s highly skilled interpreter anytime of the day.